Pic – 2009 and current UK National Champion Mike Cooke
Here is the pre-entries list (in no particular order) for the UK Nationals so far ie. the people who have replied via email that will be coming:
Alex Adams GBR 4082
Phil Oligario GBR 3764
Jonnie Hutchcroft GBR 3376
Mike Cooke GBR 3760
James Phare
Leo Carswell GBR 3078
Tom Altmann GBR 3080
Doug Pybus GBR 3614
Graham Simmonds
Martin Fear GBR 3323
Sam Tozer
Simon Payne GBR ……….1
Andrew Friend
Jonathan Peats GBR3730
Jason Russell GBR 3715
Mike Lennon GBR 8
Tom Offer
Ricky Tagg GBR 3594
Richard Lovering
Arnaud Psarofaghis
Peter Barton GBR 3758
Giovanni Galeotti BEL 3388
Jamie Hare GBR 3495
Daniel Hare GBR 3511
If you haven’t pre entered, send an email to confirm that you will be coming!
See you all there…